Welcome to Social Capital Expert, a show where we discover the value of Social Capital and how cultivating strategic relationships is critical to our success. In each episode, your host Sarah Frances McDaniel, will explore the stories of fascinating people from all over the world to understand how their ability to build relationships has led to their success. We will uncover tips, tricks and practical ways that you too can become a Social Capital Expert. Please visit www.socialcapitalexpert.com

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Bill, a Michigan native, grew up in a family of entrepreneurs and caught the “business spirit” early in life. He now runs his own company, Phoenix House, which specializes in manufacturing single family homes in off-site construction. Bill’s love for construction was developed at an early age and he credits his family and his european heritage. Bill is passionate about creating high performance homes including creating passive houses that are energy smart and responsible. He believes passive houses paired with off-site construction is a nice partnership and sees many current building trends heading in this direction. International relationships have been critical to Bill’s success and he encourages us to use communication and looking at relationships from a long-term perspective as Social Capital building blocks. “If there is a will, there is a way!” is a phrase that he heard many times growing up and he reminds us that we must exercise strength and will to stick with an idea/inspiration for the long run - there must be “stick-to-it-ness” to achieve our dreams. Bill was invited to speak at TedxDetroit where he gave an insightful presentation focusing on the performance and off-site nature of building being like the adoption of technology in the automobile industry (Tesla). It can change everything! Bill is currently working on Phoenix House Homestead - a co-living concept that reduces costs while providing community for those who live there. Bill is excited to see where this adventure takes him as he continues to think outside the box!
Name: Bill McDonald
Company: Phoenix Haus
Email: bmcdonald@phoenixhaus.com
LinkedIn: @bill-mcdonald-62742398
Company Website: https://www.phoenixhaus.com/
Bill's TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYiaRiNauFg
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Marques, a Colorado native, whose NFL career included 5 years with the San Diego Chargers and 1 year with San Francisco 49ers, is a husband and father of five kids (ages 5-16). After a major football injury in his senior year at University of Colorado, Boulder in the second game of the season, Marques’ draft hopes were shattered. He was able to recover from his injury, have a stellar season and his dream came true when he was invited to play for the San Diego Chargers. Overcoming one of the most challenging times of his life, a major football injury, Marques credits the relationships in his life and support from the people around him for his ability to push through those tough times and find success on the journey. Balancing family and football was possible only by being sure to set clear priorities and aligning himself with people who support what is important to him. He encourages us to understand who we are and who we want to be so that we can be focused on how we are able to arrive there. Personal development has been a key part of Marques’ journey and he listens to books daily to invest in himself and his growth towards his next level. He believes we can have the heart of a champion by being the best you can be and taking small steps consistently to reach your goals. Listen to Marque’s episode to learn more about how he is growing Social Capital today!
Name: Marques Harris
Email: marques@nestwiselyhomes.com
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Lauren, a Colorado native, who has an extensive career in health and wellness, is full of drive and self motivation. She struggled through high school and in her senior year she realized that unless she made a major shift, she would not be able to graduate on time. She put her mind to it and was not only able to graduate early, but she also went on to college. After gaining more than the “Freshman weight” she knew she again had to make a life change to better herself. At this point, she found group exercise, fell in love with helping people in fitness and became a personal trainer. This began her nearly 20 year career in health and wellness. Lauren currently is a high level producer, keynote speaker and leader for a world wide wellness company. She is passionate about having an impact on the world around her through strong relationships and opportunities to help others live their best life possible. Lauren shares her experience with unworthiness and how she overcame negative self talk to find her confidence. Personal development is hard work and critical to our ability to have success, professionally and personally. Lauren is motivated by contribution and growth and believes we are at our best when we are pursuing our purpose. She encourages us to reflect on what makes us unique and use our unique strengths to have a greater impact on those we meet. She also reminds us that we must be thick skinned and realize that we will never please everyone. We must be willing to be confident in what we do and stand up for it with fortitude even if it ruffles feathers sometimes. Lauren believes starting each day with gratitude, positive intentions and physical fitness before she gets on her phone, social media, or email accounts. She exhorts those listening to build a financial wall around themselves to help ward against financial pressures and stresses - find your side hustle and live a life of positive impact!
Name: Lauren Danielle
Company: Fuel For Life LLC
Email: info@lifewithlaurendanielle.com
Phone: 3038103096
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewithlaurendanielle/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LaurensL.I.F.E
Company Website: www.lifewithlaurendanielle.com
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
Matt, a Massachusetts native, grew up working in his family’s textile business. He credits his strong work ethic to his father’s leadership and his many responsibilities in the factory as he grew up. He went to college in Boston before moving to Los Angeles and getting a job in wealth management. He quickly became aware of the importance of relationships when he met two people while on vacation with his family in the Caribbean who later were instrumental in his professional career. Realizing wealth management was not his passion, Matt began finding potential real estate deals and sending them to one of the people he met while in the Caribbean who was based in New York. He found a few deals that penciled out well and that is how he began his real estate career. After 7 years of working in Los Angeles, Matt moved to Denver in 2010 and opened his own business, BMC Investments. Matt’s original dream was to work in the family business, but after finishing college, he and his father realized that Matt’s entrepreneurial spirit would be better served going after his other passions and building a company of his own. Matt has a genuine interest in people and learning their stories and understanding more about people's belief systems. Understanding their journey helps us relate to them and better serve their needs, professionally and personally. Matt believes we can learn how to connect with people if it doesn't come naturally, and the key is being authentic to yourself and being aware of our own bullsh*t. He believes owning your own weirdness and being vulnerable is key to being an effective leader. It is important to realize that our own insecurities can hold us back from building strong relationships with those around us. We need to be willing to work on ourselves in order to be comfortable being authentic with others, he says. This allows us to live from a place of love and abundance instead of fear and scarcity. He encourages us to never do things just for the money - bad decisions and bad results most often result from it. Matt works with a leadership coach and encourages us to have good mentors and coaches. Since 2010, Matt and his team at BMC Investments have been focused on developing the Cherry Creek neighborhood, now a vibrant, impressive, upscale community in Denver. Some of the developments Matt has spearheaded are:
- Steele Creek Luxury Residences
- Halcyon Hotel
- Moxy Hotel
- Financial House Office Building
- St. Paul Collection Luxury Residences
Through examples, Matt reminds us that our true character is tested in the tough times. Challenging times allow opportunities for each of us to step up and rise to the occasion and deepen relationships with those in our family, teams and network. As Matt looks to the future of Cherry Creek, he is excited to pioneer the opening of a Social Club (like the Soho House, Denver style) as well as a world class gym! The future is bright for Matt, his team at BMC Investments and Cherry Creek.
Name: Matt Joblon
Company: BMC Investments
Phone: 303-996-2324 (Office)
Company Website: www.bmcinv.com
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
Lauren, a Maryland native, grew up in a small town just outside of Baltimore where she excelled academically and often found herself as the youngest one in the room. She attended Colorado State University before receiving a Graphic Design degree from The Art Institute in Denver. She is currently working on her Masters Degree from CSU while owning her own business and being a mom of two. She knows the importance of hard work and believes we must be willing to do what it takes to follow our dreams. Just before the recession, Lauren became the Marketing Coordinator for Oakwood Homes in Denver. During the recession, the marketing department was dramatically impacted and only Lauren and her colleague remained. They learned how to do a lot with a little and became focused on building great relationships with a small budget. After a successful decade with Oakwood Homes, Lauren worked with a large publicly traded builder as well as with a large, nationally recognized marketing firm.Then Lauren experienced what she calls her “mid-life crisis” and realized the need to reprioritize the things that meant the most to her. She quit the dream job she had just been hired for and for the first time since she was thirteen, she found herself unemployed! She encourages us to listen to our inner voice (our gut) and take actionable steps to do what we hear it saying. She left this job and before she made it to her house that afternoon, she had her first four clients and started her own marketing company, Colorado Modern Communication. Lauren believes keeping your relationships with those who are most important to you, your spouse, children, family and friends is essential to having success in life. Finding our purpose and knowing what we are good at is important to living a successful life and HUMOR is a key ingredient for Lauren. If you have a dream and you want to go after it, Lauren encourages us to start talking to our network, get connected and build strategic relationships by giving to those around you. It takes time, but as you invest in your industry, community and network, they become a powerful resource for you. Lauren encourages us to take the meeting, go get coffee with people and be willing to build your network. She reminds us to be authentic in all we do.
Name: Lauren Karsh
Company: Colorado Modern Communication
Email: lauren@coloradomoderncommunication.com
Instagram: @laurenkarsh
Company Website: https://coloradomoderncommunication.com/
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Bruce, a Michigan native, moved to Denver from Nashville a few years ago after his father passed away, and launched his own business beginning with the “90 Day Sales Manager” business coaching platform. Bruce’s father's passing became the catalyst for him to unleash his entrepreneurial spirit. Bruce has his PhD in Behavioral Science and has used his experience to create his successful business platform. Bruce believes having our belief system defined and understanding it is the first step to success. What do you believe, why do you believe it and now what do you do with it? He suggests we figure out the story behind our why and be willing to share it as that is our unique value proposition. Do you have a personal “tagline”? Bruce reminds us that having something to say is as important as having someone to say it to. Bruce builds Social Capital daily through consistent activities focused on deepening relationships with those around him. When he moved to Colorado, he knew no one and he became focused on meeting new people, facilitating trust and helping others reach their goals. In just three short years, he has built a 10,000+ person mailing list for his business utilizing the relationship building activities he teaches in his program. Bruce believes in creating a memorable customer experience and he is passionate about helping people discover their unique way of delivering them. People, especially Millennials, are all about the experience, so a focus on defining the customer experience and a mindset of being transformational in a transactional world is essential. Coaches, teachers and mentors were instrumental in Bruce’s development, personally and professionally, and he encourages us to surround ourselves with people who are in alignment with who we are and where we want to go. He believes we all have a message and even says we all have a book inside us - a story that only we can tell that can help those around us. It is worth the time and effort it takes to turn our mess into our message. In his daily routine, Bruce embraces Stephen Covey’s Whole Person Theory by spending time on his personal development (learning/awareness), his physical development (fitness), his heart/mind and his spirit (legacy). He encourages us to stay consistent in the small daily decisions, being confident that eventually it will produce BIG results. Listen to Bruce's episode to hear many more useful tips for building your own Social Capital.
Name: Bruce Lund
Company: 90 Day Sales Manager
Email: bruce@90daysales.com
Phone: 615-410-6509
Company Website: www.90daysales.com
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Andrea, a self-proclaimed Colorado native and world traveler, moved a lot as a child, living places like Atlanta, Long Island, Boston and Nigeria! After high school, Andrea got her degree in Interior Design in California where she worked for a time drafting sets for Days Of Our Lives soap opera and Sony Pictures (Columbia Pictures). Andrea later moved back to Colorado, where she received both her Bachelor and Masters degrees at Colorado Universities. While attending a March of Dimes event, she met an architect who was looking for an interior designer. One thing led to another and quickly she found herself running her own company. Fast forward to today - Andrea has a beautiful showroom in Denver, Colorado and recently opened her second Interior Design studio in Santa Barbara, California.
The Road to Hope is a non-profit that is close to Andrea and her family’s heart. She actively serves on the board and participates in changing the lives of children in Haiti through her involvement. She welcomes others who are interested in learning more to reach out through their website.
Andrea believes in Karma - treat people the way you want to be treated - do the right thing and it comes back to you. She encourages us to find your passion and go after it! Her passion for design is contagious and she continues to push the envelope to tell the stories of her clients through design. Watch for Andrea’s new wallpaper line: coming soon!
Name: Andrea Schumacher
Company: Andrea Schumacher Interiors
Email: andrea@andreaschumacherinteriors.com
Instagram: @andreaschumacherinteriors
Company Website: https://www.andreaschumacherinteriors.com/
Nonprofit Website: https://www.theroadtohope.org/
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
A Brooklyn native, Heidi move to Colorado in 1994 with her husband to raise their children. Together, Heidi and her husband founded, Heidi Brooklyn's Deli not long after their arrival to Denver. In their Deli, every ingredient is important and most are homemade. When they were first getting started, their bank told them that no one would like this type of food. They believed differently so they figured out a way to make it happen. They opened their first location (Denver Highlands) using a home equity line of credit and their credit cards. They now have franchises in Maine, California and Arizona and are still growing. For the last eight years they have been known for their (CLEAN) hormone, antibiotic and nitrate free foods in many of their locations. In 2018, Heidi bought her husband out of the business and currently her oldest daughter is the president of the company. As the leadership, Heidi and her daughter are always asking, “Where are they in their business today? Where do they want to go from here?”. They believe it is about honoring and connecting with the franchise owners - truly caring about them. Even with the demands of leading the organization, Heidi’s daughter has taken the time to visit with each franchise owner personally. Heidi is very involved in chambers and other community organizations. She considers her network to be invaluable and believes success is really about loving people and sharing what we have learned (sometimes the hard way) to help those around us. Heidi says, “it’s not about me - relationships are very much about them and their success”. Business is personal, we all have our own perspectives on being right, and she encourages us to learn from the different perspectives around us. ALWAYS and NEVER are words that box us in, Heidi encourages us to be nimble and flexible in our personal and professional relationships. She also encourages us to make an effort to connect with people in authentic and honest ways allowing the relationship to blossom. She reminds us that life is full of wonderful people who are worth making an effort for. Heidi’s Deli celebrated its 25th anniversary in business on September 9, 2019! They continue to expand the franchise by sharing their mission, identifying their values and making sure the partners meet their goals. As Heidi’s daughter continues to take the reins of Heidi’s Deli, Heidi is able to help other business owners discover their passion, plan and strategize for their business’ success through her recently launched consulting practice. For fun and because of their love of shoes, Heidi and her friend decided to host a “Shoe Happy Hour” and invite fabulous women, wearing their prettiest shoes to meet at a dive bar and show them off! Heidi, who loves to entertain, also hosts a plate breaking party every year on the Winter Soltis! The plate breaking symbolizes change, growth and joy. Guests write a message on the plate - on the front of the plate a special memory or positive experience and on the back of the plate is something to let go of, release or change. At the end of the party, guests set their intentions and then throw their plate at the wall and watch it shatter! Heidi has seen individuals expand in business and personally from these events and opportunities to connect with themselves and those around them. Heidi’s advice for us is to ask for help when we need it, manage expectations the best we can in all areas of relationships and to own our stuff and be willing to take responsibility for our choices and actions.
Name: Heidi Bendiksen Naples
Company: Heidi's Brooklyn Deli
Email: heidinaples@heidisbrooklyndeli.com
Company Website: https://heidisbrooklyndeli.com/about
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Carolyn, who has spent most of her life in Arizona, began her career in the home building industry in 1987. With the encouragement of her mentor, she went in new home sales and worked her way up to Division President of a large production builder in Arizona. This opportunity gave her experience in all facets of home building including land purchases, product development and day to day operations of the company. Carolyn believes mentorship is key in personal and professional development and she encourages people to find a mentor as well as become a mentor to others. She loves to see people have “ahh ha!!” moments as they learn from other people’s experiences and implement the lessons in their own lives. Carolyn encourages listeners to be open to being mentored/”coached” and to be authentic in their experiences. Relationships have played a critical role in Carolyn’s life and she encourages us to be open to feedback, willing to take constructive criticism and learn from others’ mistakes. People are there to help you. She enjoys being a part of other people's success by giving back. Her advice is to “get involved”, “get out of your comfort zone” and let people help you reach your goals. Fearlessness is a quality Carolyn exudes and she encourages listens to be willing to take a risk, spend quality time with people and to build rapport. Carolyn is excited to make Colorado her home in 2020 and continue to grow with her community in Denver.
Name: Carolyn Morrison
Email: carolynmorrison@mac.com
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Nick, owner of Walls By Design and host of the podcasts “Small Business Naked” and “The Chaise Lounge”, lives in Denver, Colorado and travels the country (and the world) talking to people and sharing their stories. In an effort to begin marketing his business in a different way, Nick began hosting unique events to engage with his current and desired clientele. He soon wondered if there was a way to marry the idea of the events with a podcast and The Chaise Lounge, a podcast for interior designers, was born! Not long after launching this podcast, Nick began receiving invitations to host interviews of well-known people at major industry conferences. These relationships became game changers for him and took his podcast to the next level. Nick credits his success to the people he meets along the way. He is always asking the question, “Who do I need to connect his person with?” and believes the “secret sauce” is being willing to give unconditionally into other people's success. Nick’s key ingredient to building Social Capital is consistency - your brand, personally and professionally. He encourages us to be our same, authentic self everytime we show up. Today, Nick and his team are excited about the launch of several new podcasts including a student focused design podcast called “The Student Lounge” from the student perspective, a paint contractor focused podcast called “The Business Brush” and the “Coast to Coast Design” podcast hosted by two designers, one on each coast, who share their perspectives on design topics. Nick is hosting a meet-up group in Denver to help others launch their own podcasts. He appreciates podcasting for giving him a platform to teach, inspire and help others on their journey. Nick encourages us to listen to other people’s needs and see how we can be part of connecting them with a solution.
Name: Nick May
Company: Walls By Design and iMayMedia
Email: nick@imaymedia.com
Company Website: https://www.imaymedia.com/
Chaise Lounge Podcast: https://lnns.co/tICQ2a7vBK4
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com