Welcome to Social Capital Expert, a show where we discover the value of Social Capital and how cultivating strategic relationships is critical to our success. In each episode, your host Sarah Frances McDaniel, will explore the stories of fascinating people from all over the world to understand how their ability to build relationships has led to their success. We will uncover tips, tricks and practical ways that you too can become a Social Capital Expert. Please visit www.socialcapitalexpert.com

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Jason, co-founder of Internet Media Consultants, has always been an “idea guy” and had an entrepreneurial spirit. Out of his own need for a website and not being satisfied with the options available to him, he began learning website development. He created his first website, built one for his friend and quickly he realized there was a need that he could provide a solution for. Almost 2 decades ago, he quit his full-time job and he and his wife, Nikki, launched Internet Media Consultants. Failure was not an option! Jason is passionate about helping people create websites that are the HUB of their business, helping them create automatons to simplify the process of engagement and result in conversions/sales. There is a strategic way to build Social Capital in the digital world. In today’s environment, understanding how to build trust and add value to your network digitally is imperative. Listen as Jason shares examples of how we can create these opportunities for engagement virtually. People are experts in all kinds of things. Each of us have a skill-set or knowledge that we can share and that others can benefit from knowing. People will pay for that information or you can give it away for free to build your audience. Jason encourages us to start being an ACTION BOSS. He reminds us that good is good enough and the key is to get moving! Listen today to learn how you can become a digital Social Capital Expert.

Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Saturday Nov 21, 2020
Claire, a Social Capital enthusiast, is a Resilience Thinker, public speaker, and design strategist. She is always thinking about how we can enact resilience thinking to be more productive in our daily lives. Claire grew up in a southern Illinois and her small town, community experience stuck with her even as she moved to Chicago. She began asking herself, “How do we cultivate that sense of community as we move on in our lives?”. While getting her Ph.D., Claire researched resilience thinking, specifically studying how we can better process information and find common values in order to create collective actions that can make the world a better place. Resilience Thinkingsays that we have these things we do, an interaction or conversation, these moments where we are met with conflict or things we don’t understand. Often, we want to walk away or bulldoze over those things we don’t agree with, but Claire encourages us to go deeper. How we feel is important, but if we want to move forward and have a productive conversation then we need to take a step back and reflect on our own role in what is happening. Instead of shutting the other side/person down, what happens when we seek out the values of what they are saying or what is embedded in what they are experiencing? Most often, trust is the component that is missing. Though we may not have the same experiences, we likely hold the same values and if we can find those commonalities, we can learn from them and it will help us figure out a resilient solution that transforms the problem. Studies show that we, as humans, largely share the same values even though we might have different experiences. Social Capital, finding commonality and building trust become the bridge between us. Claire has recently launched a podcast of her own called “Meet the Moment'' a show where she and her co-host ask big, sometimes tough, questions and have candid conversations about how we can look at this thing that’s happening for all of us in different ways to create change. Claire facilitates the Resilience Collective group and has created a series of courses called “Resilience Thinking & You” that will launch next month. Claire believes that everyone has the power to shift their mindset to see themselves as students and designers of the worlds we seek. Listen to this episode to hear how Claire builds Social Capital and how she believes Resilience Thinking put into action can change the world around us.
Name: Claire Chase, Ph.D.
Company: Resilience By Design Consulting
Instagram: @resilience.by.design & @meetthemomentpodcast
Company Website: www.resiliencebydesign.net
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claire-chase-ph-d-0a39556/
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Jenn has spent her career connecting clients to their audience, bands to fans and brands to consumers. Today, she is the Founder of The Pledgettes and is passionate about supporting women on their financial journey through coaching, training and creating a moneywise community. Jenn believes that developing Social Capital is how we advance through life. Jenn grew up with a family who spoke openly about money and taught her that generosity, taking care of others, supporting the community and being a good helper to those around us are the keys to life. In high school, Jenn got connected with a street team to help sell CDs of up and coming new artists before Napster and other music sharing platforms were created. She was involved in these grassroots marketing strategies and learned how to build trust and credibility. She went from marketing bands to marketing brands and became involved in experiential marketing efforts. She worked with Oscar Meyer to build their first food truck as a way to connect differently with their following. “Humans crave shared experiences and finding connections through them”, Jenn shares. Being moved by the obstacles women face in building wealth, Jenn founded The Pledgettes where she helps connect those women who are having the money talks and who have strong financial acumen with those who want to have it but don’t know where to start or how to get there. Jenn believes building Social Capital is crucial to our overall success. Feeling like we don’t have anything of value to offer can sometimes keep us from receiving the invitation to build our network, but don't let it! Enjoy the journey. Take action and go where your heart is leading you. As women look at their financial future, they often wait too long for “someday” to start. Time in the market always outperforms timing the market. Get started today! Listen to this episode of the Social Capital Expert to hear more about how Jenn grows her network daily!
Name: Jenn Uhen
Company: The Pledgettes
Email: jenn@thepledgettes.com
Podcast: https://thepledgettes.com/podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepledgettes/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennuhen/
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Arezou, a Start-Up/Founder coach, helps business owners take their ideas to market and shows them how to scale their business and to take it to the next level. During COVID, Arezou also finds herself helping business owners pivot their strategies to remain relevant in the changing environment. Born and raised in Iran, Arezou moved to the United States when she was 18 to go to school and has stayed in the States ever since. She attended engineering school and worked for 15 years for Hewlett Packard in the Pacific Northwest. In 2011, Arezou and her husband moved to Colorado where she worked for corporate America at Crocs and Otterbox. In 2016, she left the corporate world and found herself working with a startup company. In 2018, she left the company she was working with and began working with founders teaching them how to help launch companies themselves. Initially, Arezou invested her own money in 5 companies, three of which have been very successful and continue to operate today. These days, Arezou invests in her own ideas and company(s). A year and a half ago, Arezou, began working on “DispatchMom'', a platform for how to help busy moms with on-demand support for childcare, meal prep, housekeeping, and more! Arezou encourages us to be ready to say “YES” to opportunities that present themselves. “Don’t overthink things, because you can talk yourself out of anything”, she says. If it doesn’t work, we can always find our way out of it. The value of the experience and potential value of the opportunity outweighs the cost of the risk. Arezou's Modus Operandi is “First say yes and figure it out rather than try to figure it out first.” She believes we have a “little voice” that leads us in the right direction if we follow it. There is a lot of value in the analysis but acting on opportunities is important, and of course balance is required. She reminds us that when cultivating Social Capital it is important to build relationships to share commonality and add value not because you want something out of it. Giving feels good and it never fails that we receive multiples of what we give and the giving/receiving cycle continues to repeat itself. In 2014, looking back on her life, she realized Social Capital had been the catalyst for her life and she often had taken it for granted. This is when she became more aware and intentional in the way she cultivates Social Capital. Relationships that start professionally often become personal, lifelong friendships. She encourages us to invest in our network and build Social Capital because it is invaluable to our future. She reminds us to move from transactional relationships to going into it with a desire to learn more and to find a way to connect deeper with those in our lives. Arezou is a “Get It Done” person. Knowing what we are created to do and then doing it brings incredible joy to our lives! Listen today to hear Arezou's advice for building strong Social Capital!
Name: Arezou Zarafshan
Email: arezou@aza.consulting
Twitter: @arezouzarafshan
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arezou
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Bobby, Sales Director at D-Enterprise, had no interest in construction early in his life, but his passion for people motivated many of his choices growing up. At 6’9”, Bobby excelled at basketball and played for Indiana State in the Big 10. His time playing competitively taught him the dynamics of working as a team to achieve your goals. Five years ago, Bobby joined the family business, taking on the marketing and sales role and moved with his wife to Denver. Recently, Bobby launched “6 Degrees from Nobody”, an Instagram Show, seeing it as a fresh avenue to connect with his network, share the stories of those he knows and inspire others to think bigger! Looking back at his life, Bobby recognizes that good opportunities came because of who he is, not because of what he can do. To him understanding the value of Social Capital means understanding the value of people and our relationships. It calls for us to invest deeper in our relationships and to go beyond the surface in our desire to know and understand people and what is important to them. We all desire to be acknowledged and included. Social Capital has been instrumental in Bobby’s journey; listen as he shares stories of how always putting the value of the relationship over the value of the opportunity has produced outcomes that have exceeded all of his expectations. Having strong Social Capital is like having a sales force that builds your credibility for you because someone else promoting you is always more effective than promoting yourself. Bobby encourages us to always be reading and learning. It allows us to open our thinking and diversify our understanding. Remember, when cultivating Social Capital to always be kind to people because we are all in different places in our journey and often we don't know all that people are going through. Check out this episode to hear Bobby’s practical tips to grow your Social Capital!
Name: Bobby Capobianco
Company: D-Enterprise
Email: bob@denterprisellc.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-bobby-capobianco-b039b046
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Mike Davidson is a Colorado native and the Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Wonderland Homes. Mike grew up singing in a family of acapella singers. Singing was his passion and also eventually led to his career in home building. Mike shares stories of how Social Capital has been instrumental in his journey since early in his life. He defines it as our ability to relate to those around us. Growing our Social Capital muscle involves constantly learning, seeking information that you can use to cultivate relationships and have an impact on those around you. “Create oneness, lead with love and look after people'' these are three leadership keys Mike lives professionally and personally. He encourages us to take time to be thankful for how good life really is. Engaging with those around us during COVID takes connecting on a deeper level. Take the time to check in with your network without an agenda. Mike believes virtual selling is here to stay thanks to antiquated processes in real estate becoming easier with technology that is now being utilized. As a Social Capitalist we need to be asking ourselves “How do we connect without seeing each other as often and with masks blocking signals and cues?” Energy breeds energy. So develop a habit of bringing your positive, productive energy to the world each day! Listen to hear Mike’s practical advice for building Social Capital today!
Name: Mike Davidson
Company: Wonderland Homes
Email: davidson@wonderlandhomes.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denvermikedavidson
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Julie, a leadership trainer and development coach, is passionate about helping people lead with ease. She helps her clients learn the soft skills required for effective leadership like how to communicate more effectively in professional situations. Julie started her career at Harvard University in their Capital Gifts Fundraising group. This allowed her to meet many impressive (yet down to earth) people and understand more about how they function and engage. While working at Harvard Business School on an initiative examining women in the workforce, Julie studied women in leadership roles and began to understand that a lack of confidence and skill as well as an inability to influence those around them is what held women back professionally. Later, Julie began working at Boston College in the Center for Corporate Citizenship and was focused on understanding employee retainment and engagement. At a pivotal moment in her career, Julie felt like she could be doing more and feel more passionate about her work. She examined what it was that she truly loved doing on a daily basis and realized that she loved the conversations she was having with driven professionals while helping them overcome the challenges they faced in becoming a strong leader. Six weeks after this realization, Julie started a coaching certification program and her own company was launched! Understanding what makes us feel alive is key in being where you are supposed to be in life. People often want to stay in places in their careers where they are comfortable even if it may not be the best fit for them. Julie is passionate about helping people think through how to create professional opportunities that fuel them. Julie encourages us to always ask questions about those around you; this is essential in creating a deeper connection and building Social Capital. When we give people the opportunity to speak about themselves, it creates a bond through their positive engagement with you. When teaching leadership, many just want to do what they already know to do, or want someone to do the work for them. Julie teaches her clients to use simple, yet not simplistic, tools which help them overcome challenges. Julie shares why she believes Emotional Intelligence, empathy and self-awareness are essential in successful leadership. When people understand themselves and one another, they are able to work together much more effectively. Building on the golden rule, Julie utilizes what she calls the Titanium Rule: Speak to others the way they want and need to be spoken to. Help them hear what you are saying in a way they can receive and understand it. Be confident that as you help those around you, and your network will be there to help you achieve your goals. Listen today as Julie encourages us to focus on what we can control and stay away from forecasting about the future. Julie is a true Social Capitalist, listen today to hear how you can become one too!
Name: Julie Holunga
Company: Chinook Executive Solutions (Speaker, Leadership Trainer and Coach)
Email: julie@julieholunga.com
Phone: 720.442.3938
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/julieholunga/
Company Website: www.julieholunga.com
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Ashley, CEO and Founder of Tribe Development Company, started Tribe two years ago after working with a large, local development company on a number of notable mixed-use projects. Ashley attended college originally seeking a degree in architecture, but soon realized it was not the right fit for her. She felt she needed something that allowed for more creativity. While visiting friends in Fort Collins, Ashley met an expert in community development and realized that community creation was what she was missing. Ashley transferred to Colorado State University and spent the next five years getting her landscape architecture degree. Ashley worked on high end estates and international resort projects learning about branding and creating brand ambassadors through design for the next decade. She believes her passion for creating community comes from her Chickasaw nation roots and being able to always connect back to this community no matter how many times she moved growing up. Recreating this community experience is her passion whether in her projects or in her company. As the CEO of Tribe Development, Ashley says for her it is about unifying alignment between what we say and what we do - “it's about walking the talk” she says. Ashley doesn't believe in luck, she believes we foster our own luck by taking action towards it. She finds honesty and transparency are key when building Social Capital and that it is important to spend time understanding the other ways that people communicate so that we can do so in a way that they can receive what we are saying. Ashley encourages us to be less perfect and more brave! Instead of setting up so many boundaries for ourselves, she says “lets increase our standards”! This allows for more freedom and gives us permission to change and grow along the journey. Listen to hear how Ashley encourages us to go after our dreams without fear and encourages us to never give up on it! Ashley is a Social Capital Expert - listen today to hear how you can become one too!
Name: Ashley Stiles
Company: Tribe Development Company
Email: info@tribedevco.com
Phone: 970.619.8731
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tribedevco/
Company Website: https://www.tribedevco.com/
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Matt, founder of Clutch Design Studio, graduated from Miami University of Ohio before moving to Denver and taking a position at Fentress Architecture where he worked on many well known Denver projects. Ten years after starting at Fentress, Matt started his own firm, Clutch Design Studio in 2010 and continued to follow his passion for design and architecture. For Matt, the true enjoyment in his career comes from the relationships he has cultivated and those he continues to gain through collaboration. At Clutch, they have a “best idea wins” approach to projects and challenges, giving everyone a voice at the table. Matt reminds us not to be afraid to hire those who are better than you to build a well rounded team. Collaboration and different experiences are key to successful projects. He encourages us to be open to crazy possibilities and free ourselves from the “box”! In Matt’s experience, relationships with his clients are based on trust and being able to establish it as early as possible. He does this by being open and genuine and listening to their needs. When building Social Capital, Matt believes we must be willing to put ourselves out there and get past the initial anxiety of connecting with people. Remember to BE YOURSELF and to be present in whatever conversation, task or situation you are in. Social capital and relationships have been the most important aspect of success for Matt and his advice is to start building your Social Capital as soon as possible! Listen to this episode to hear more about Matt’s journey to becoming a Social Capital Expert.
Name: Matt Robertson
Company: Clutch Design Studio
Email: matt@clutchdesignstudio.com
Phone: 303-459-2808
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clutchdesignstudio/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clutchdesigndenver/
Company Website: https://clutchdesignstudio.com/
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
S. Robert, originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was born into a family of entrepreneurs. His great grandfather immigrated to the states in the late 1800s and began building the family international wine and spirits and real estate business and his uncle and father continued in those footsteps. His mother’s grandfather and father built a successful commercial interior finishing business in Philadelphia as well so it is not surprising that a love for business was in Robert’s blood. Robert tells a story of his first entrepreneur effort at 6 years old, when he rented a wagon and filled it with candy and sold it door to door. Later, having to replace all of the candy after finding out it was stale, Robert learned that if you do something right, good things will happen. Robert went on to Pennsylvania State University and the Arizona State University Graduate School of International Management and began building businesses himself. Robert's best friend and wife of 48 years, Penny, is an actress and psychiatric art therapist. They have two sons working in business with him and both are entrepreneurs with companies of their own. Robert believes listening to our customers is key to understanding their needs and how we can add value in the process. Robert explains what he calls the “Twist Factor” and the importance of finding a place of understanding between both sides giving the opportunity for both sides to leave feeling good about the outcome. He encourages us to take our health seriously by creating balance, eating and sleeping well, practicing meditation, exercising, and developing tools to manage stress. Robert believes the secret to building massive Social Capital is to love humanity, be honest and have respect for others. He says we must be “Love Brokers”. Caring about our neighbor, reaching into the community, and going beyond ourselves is essential to developing strong social networks. Listen to this episode to hear helpful tips on building your own Social Capital!
Name: S. Robert August
Company: Northstar Synergies
Email: robert@northstarsynergies.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/srobertaugust/
Company Website: https://www.northstarsynergies.com/
Email Sarah at sarah@sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com
Learn more at www.socialcapitalexpert.com and www.sarahfrancesmcdaniel.com